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URPP Global Change and Biodiversity

Monte Verità Conference 2019

logoGlobal Change and Biodiversity: Integrating the impact of earth and world drivers across scales

30 June - 4 July 2019, Monte Verità

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Global environmental changes, such as increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere or habitat transformations, are driven by social, economic and political changes in the human system (World drivers) as well as by biophysical, chemical and structural changes in the earth system (Earth drivers). The various drivers of global change often act simultaneously, but at different spatial and temporal scales, creating potential for interactions and feedbacks among the different drivers. Their impacts are thus hard to predict.

The conference examines the impacts of these interacting drivers on biodiversity and ecosystem processes, and the services they provide, and how this affects human societies at local, regional and global levels.

CSF Award for early career scientists

Award for best presentation poster or oral presentation

1. Alejandra Parreño 
Identification, comparison, and analysis of hypotheses in systematic review

2. Rémi Willemin
Waterscapes as hydro-chemo-social? Reflexive photography on unseen water quality

3. Daniel Kükenbrink
Spatio-temporal modelling of light extinction in a temperate and tropical forest

Honourable Mentions

Mollie Chapman
Donkeys, deer, and death around the Swiss National Park: Developing a relational values approach to align environmental values in conservation policy

Alizée Le Moigne
Stochasticity in bacterial community assembly: Impact on community functioning

Sarah Mayor
Scaling diversity-productivity relationships from experimental field plots to real-world landscapes

Weiterführende Informationen

30 June - 4 July 2019, Monte Verità

"Global Change and Biodiversity: Integrating the impact of earth and world drivers across scales" Conference Program and Abstract Book

